Businesses tend to get blown around by a lot of different winds. Economic winds can drag a marginal company all the way down or can become a launching pad to allow them to soar. Fads likewise drag businesses around. This is especially the case in marketing, the trendiest of all business functions. However, as the Roman statesman so long ago said, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” Every marketing campaign requires a clear set of objectives in order to be know what success looks like. [Read more…] about Winning Marketing Goals
Enhance Your Influence With Authority
Leaders rise to the top through their influence. Whether you’re looking to achieve better results with your team or expand into new markets with your innovative products, your ability to influence others will ultimately determine your level of success. Fortunately, influence can be learned and cultivated; an essential skill for all leaders to develop. [Read more…] about Enhance Your Influence With Authority
4DX Applied – Operational Excellence
The whirlwind of activities that often derail projects can also become the greatest obstacle for achieving key operational goals. Ironically, the source of these spontaneous crises tends to originate from the very business operation that we are trying to excel within! Quality issues, customer complaints, absenteeism, and equipment breakdowns are just a few of the things that can and will pop up daily. Fortunately, 4DX can provide means of achieving excellence amid the daily firefighting you may face within your business operations. [Read more…] about 4DX Applied – Operational Excellence
4DX Applied – Project Excellence
With the whirlwind of activities that pop up daily (or even hourly!), it seems like there is never enough time or resources to get it all done. The thought of even suggesting a project into the mix may be faced with active objection or worse, passive neglect. But there is a better way! [Read more…] about 4DX Applied – Project Excellence
Getting Things Done!
Project management is one of those things that seems like it should be so simple but isn’t. You just, do the project. However, small projects (under $350,000) have a failure rate of 20%, and this only rises as the project budget increases (Source). Clearly, it’s more difficult than it at first appears. [Read more…] about Getting Things Done!
Leading Team Performance
Anytime you start seeing LinkedIn articles about a “paradigm shift” within corporate America you need to be prepared for platitudes and buzzwords. LinkedIn cannot resist catchphrases, and it’s gotten so bad that people can write entire articles mocking the trendiest terms. Guru is a perennial favorite, and recently we’ve started hearing all about disruptors and game changers. Next year we’re probably in for a session on flearning – failing while learning or learning while failing – either way a useful concept with an annoying name. [Read more…] about Leading Team Performance