Content is the culmination of your research and strategy. The creation of content is inspired to achieve strategic goals, which in turn are derived from research and insights. Whether you just need help with the content phase or need an integrated marketing approach built from the ground up, BIG can provide a host of marketing services for your company. Content is king, and you can’t rule the realm without it.
Brand Messaging: Brand messaging is more than simply speaking like your audience. It serves to position your product and provides the cues your audience will use to make opinions and assumptions about your brand.
BIG brand messaging is holistic and takes into account all aspects of brand communication, from articles and press releases to business cards, collateral, and even face to face communications.
Content Creation: Check out our blog! We craft stories for ourselves and our clients by taking the technical, quantitative side of work and drawing out the narrative. At the end of the day, all stories are about people.
To be effective this content also has to be predictably scheduled and topically consistent. This is not limited just to blog posts but can also include long form content such as white papers and major branding pieces. BIG uses an iterative process of interviewing and drafting. We write until you’re happy.
Social Media: With such a visible platform and the potential to go viral, social media provides great opportunities for business. However, this is a liability as well. For every video and post a business planned on having go viral, there are a dozen others that happened outside their control. Without a strategy, you risk allowing social media to run the business, rather than the other way around.
BIG recognizes that content is not useful unless it gets read, and social media is now the leading way businesses are reaching their audiences. Unless your business has a process in place for nurturing and growing your social media following, you will be missing out on potential leads.